Foodica CHANGELOG --------- v 4.1.9 (November 17, 2024) - Minor fixed and improvements in WooCommerce - New WooCommerce options in Theme Options > WooCommerce v 4.1.8 (July 16, 2024) - Minor bug fixes for WordPress 6.6 v 4.1.7 (June 20, 2024) - Fixed a bug with the Most Commented Posts widget v 4.1.6 (April 18, 2024) - Updating outdated WooCommerce templates v 4.1.5 (April 11, 2024) - Removed the dependency from the Dashicons icon set - Minor improvements to the sharing buttons v 4.1.4 (October 2, 2023) - Removed the H1 tag from the site title/header logo. - Display the Site Tagline as an H1 tag above or below the homepage slider (See Theme Options > Homepage > H1 Tag) - Added the H1 tag to the Recipe Index templates v 4.1.3 (September 27, 2023) - Fixed an issue in the Carousel Slider widget v 4.1.2 (August 4, 2023) - Fixed a conflict with Beaver Builder v 4.1.1 (June 27, 2023) - Minor bug fix in the block editor v 4.1.0 (May 16, 2023) - Added new block patterns for Gutenberg - Added theme.json file to enable additional styling option in the block editor v 4.0.0 (July 29, 2022) - Added 3 new header layouts in the Customizer - New: Add a hamburger icon with a sliding sidebar on mobile devices - Added a new Optimization section in the Theme Options to control registered image sizes by Foodica - Added a new demo created using only Gutenberg blocks ⚠️ If you have a Child Theme with many custom changes, please test the new theme version on your localhost or on a staging area, as some of the theme's files were modified. ⚠️ Make sure to clear the cache after updating your theme in your caching and/or optimization plugins (Autoptimize, etc.) v 3.1.4 (May 19, 2022) - Fixed a bug with the menu on mobile devices v 3.1.3 (April 1, 2022) - Added a new image size to improve the quality of images in Portrait orientation in posts archive on retina devices. Regenerate thumbnails to see the difference: v 3.1.2 (March 9, 2022) - Fixed a bug with empty space in the header v 3.1.1 (February 9, 2022) - Improvements to the header area (main menu bar will stick to the top smoother) - New option to hide the slideshow on mobile devices (Theme Options > Homepage > Homepage Slideshow) v 3.1.0 (November 2, 2021) - Added Elementor Integration: the Homepage and Recipe Index pages can now be edited using Elementor - New & Redesigned Demo Content Importer - Multiple improvements & code clean-up to optimize the theme v 3.0.6 (August 20, 2021) - Minor improvements to the styles of the block editor - CSS clean-up v 3.0.5 (April 21, 2021) - Fixed some issues with the print style sheet - Fixed a bug with the sharing buttons - Fixed issue with pagination linking to page "1" - Added a new option to resize the logo image in the Customizer > Site Identity v 3.0.4 (February 15, 2021) - Fixed a PageSpeed issue in theme: "Does not use passive listeners to improve scrolling performance" !!! Make sure to clear the cache after updating your theme in your caching and optimization plugins (Autoptimize, etc.) v 3.0.3 (February 11, 2021) - Fixed issues listed in the jQuery Migrate Helper plugin - Multiple improvements to improve the performance of the theme !!! Make sure to clear the cache after updating your theme in your caching and optimization plugins (Autoptimize, etc.) v 3.0.2 (December 10, 2020) - Added 2 new options in the Typography section in the Customizer to customize the post content font. v 3.0.1 (November 13, 2020) - Minor bug fix with logo image not centered v 3.0.0 (November 5, 2020) - The Featured Slider was re-designed on mobile devices - Header area is now more compact on mobile devices. You can switch back to the previous design from Customizer > Header Options. - Main Menu will now stick at the top when scrolling. - Minor improvements and fixes v 2.9.0 (September 16, 2020) - Added new option to display posts in 2 columns in the "WPZOOM: Recent Posts" widget - Added new option to display Sharing buttons before the content (Theme Options > Single Post Options) - Visual improvements - Optimization improvements and bug fixes v 2.8.10 (August 13, 2020) - Fixed a bug with comments not appearing after updating to WordPress 5.5 v 2.8.9 (July 29, 2020) - Minor bug fix to improve the PageSpeed score v 2.8.8 (May 15, 2020) - Bug fix with version number. v 2.8.7 (May 15, 2020) - Fixed a bug with images not showing on the Recipe Index page when Lazy Load Images is enabled. - A few other minor bug fixes v 2.8.6 (May 13, 2020) - Added a new page template "Blog" v 2.8.5 (April 6, 2020) - Added new sharing button for Yummly (You can enable it in Theme Options > Single Post Options) v 2.8.4 (January 28, 2020) - New options to customize tags colors in posts (Customizer > Colors > Individual Posts) - New options to hide Pin It and Print buttons in posts (Theme Options > Single Post Options) v 2.8.3 (September 22, 2019) - Added partial French translation (your contribution is highly appreciated to translate the theme) - Fixed a problem with the list of recommended plugins v 2.8.2 (August 14, 2019) - New option in Customizer > Typography > Body to Sync the same font in all options. Useful if you want to disable Google Fonts in the theme by selecting a System font. - Added inline documentation in the Dashboard. You can disable it from Theme Options > Framework Options. v 2.8.1 (July 14, 2019) - You can customize now the Font Size in Typography section for different devices individually: Desktop, Tablet and Mobile. v 2.8.0 (May 16, 2019) - Added a new Tabbed area in the Sidebar with 2 new widgets: Popular Posts (by comments no.) and Popular Posts (by views count). View set up instructions: v 2.7.4 (May 4, 2019) - Minor bug fix in the footer.php file v 2.7.3 (March 29, 2019) - Added new option in Theme Options to disable Featured Posts Re-order module. - Minor fix with translation template v 2.7.2 (March 24, 2019) - Color changes made in the Customizer to Recipe Shortcodes will be also applied to Recipe Blocks in the new editor. - Minor bug fixes v 2.7.1 (March 12, 2019) - Added new page templates to help creating static front page easier using page builders - Added minor styling for WP Recipe Maker plugin v 2.7.0 (March 7, 2019) - New option to add a Disclosure Statement at the beginning of posts (see Theme Options > Single Post Options) - New color options for button from Author Bio widget (see Customizer > Colors > Widgets) - New widget area at the top of the content in single posts (Single Post (before content)) - New widget area after the Copyright line (Footer Disclosure). Can be used to add disclosure statements or links in it. - New option to display Last Updated date in individual posts (see Theme Options > Single Post Options) - Improvements to Slideshow images. Images are now retina-ready, and will look in better quality on devices with retina displays. Make sure to regenerate the thumbnails if you don't see any difference v 2.6.5 (January 29, 2019) - New option in the Author Bio widget to add a Button below the text v 2.6.4 (December 7, 2018) - Minor bug fixes in WordPress 5.0 v 2.6.3 (November 19, 2018) - Added integration with Yoast Breadcrumbs - Added ability to show some content or a short description below the Title in the Recipe Index page. Just insert your text in the page editor by editing your Recipe Index page. v 2.6.2 (November 6, 2018) - Fixed a minor bug with slideshow on tablet devices. v 2.6.1 (November 1, 2018) - Minor fix with galleries in the Gutenberg editor. v 2.6.0 (August 18, 2018) - Added Gutenberg Support: wide images support in full-width posts/pages, multiple bug fixes * New Required plugin to enable Recipe Card Blocks in Gutenberg editor: v 2.5.5 (June 18, 2018) - Added new option to disable the Structured Data (Rich Snippets) markup for Recipes globally (See Theme Options > Stuctured Data) v 2.5.4 (May 25, 2018) - Added support for WordPress 4.9.6 - Comments Cookie Opt-in (GDPR). v 2.5.3 (March 5, 2018) - Added support for WP Ultimate Recipe in Featured Slider v 2.5.2 (February 22, 2018) - Added Gradient Editor for Homepage Slideshow Background in the Customizer > Slider Styles v 2.5.1 (February 15, 2018) - Added custom styling for MailPoet 3 widgets. v 2.5.0 (January 25, 2018) - Re-order & manage Featured Posts from the homepage slideshow much easier! See the new section: "Posts > Featured Posts" for more details. v 2.4.1 (November 22, 2017) - Fixing a minor bug in WordPress 4.9 v 2.4.0 (September 25, 2017) - Create a magazine layout easily by adding the new "Featured Category (Homepage)" widget in the "Homepage: Featured Categories" widget area. - New options to hide Recent Posts or Paginated Navigation in front page in Theme Options > Homepages > Recent Posts. - Minor footer adjustments & other improvements v 2.3.1 (July 3, 2017) - minor bug fix in Recipe Index page templates v 2.3.0 (July 2, 2017) - Added 3 New Recipe Index Page Templates. See Theme Options > Recipe Index Settings for more details. - New Option: You can now change the Featured Image's aspect ratio to Portrait (3:4) from Theme Options > Homepage Posts and Category Posts. - New styling for Tag Cloud widget. - Fixed Print button in Firefox !! Thumbnails regeneration is required if you update from an older version. See instructions: v 2.2.2 (June 1, 2017) - footer.php - minor bug fix with the slider in Firefox browser v 2.2.1 (April 11, 2017) - /functions/post-options.php - minor bug fix v 2.2.0 (April 7, 2017) - Improvements to WooCommerce styling - Added support for WooCommerce 3.0.0 - Added new option that allows to disable the Structured Data (hRecipe Rich Snippets) for individual blog posts v 2.1.0 (January 30, 2017) - Improvements to the Instagram bar from the footer - Added navigation to previous/next posts. - Headings font changed back to Roboto Slab as in 1.x version - Added new option to change the Gravatar size in the Author Bio widget. - Added integration with EasyIndex (Recipe Index) plugin. v 2.0.2 (December 2, 2016) - Added Retina Ready option for Site Logo - Fixed a few bugs in Customizer v 2.0.1 (November 30, 2016) - Minor visual improvements to mobile menu - Minor bug fix with fonts in Customizer v 2.0.0 (November 17, 2016) - Support for WordPress native Logo (Customizer > Site Identity) - Header Options in Customizer - New Slider Styles in Customizer - Predefined Color Schemes can now be changed in Customizer - New Color Scheme: Red - New Widget: WPZOOM: Image Box - 3 New Widget areas on Homepage (3 columns below the slider) - A better mobile menu (+ new menu location for mobile) - Multiple visual improvements and bug fixes. v 1.3.1 (November 7, 2016) - Added Print button in posts - Improved print style sheet - Minor bug fix in Customizer > Typography (Single Post Title not changing) - modified files: - /fonts/ - all files - /functions/customizer/helpers-display.php - /functions/options.php - content-single.php - style.css v 1.3.0 (August 22, 2016) - Improved Theme Customizer with Partial Refresh for Typography and Color Scheme v 1.2.1 (April 2, 2016) - Added 3 new Color Styles: Orange, Teal, Turquoise. v 1.2.0 (April 1, 2016) - Added multiple font styling options in the Customizer (Font Weight, Font Style, Text Transform) - Added new color options in the Customizer. - "List" layout for posts was changed into a traditional blog layout. - New section in Theme Options - "Category Posts", which allows to customize posts options on Category pages. - Homepage Slider now works with pages. You can find this option in the Theme Options > Homepage > Homepage Slideshow > Content Source. - Added Category description on Category pages - Numerous improvements and bug fixes. !! Thumbnails regeneration is required if you update from an older version. See instructions: v 1.1.2 (January 30, 2016) - /css/media-queries.css - bug fix with widget area below the slider showing widgets incorrectly on tablets v 1.1.1 (December 15, 2015) - content-single.php - Bug fix with incorrect size for Featured Image at the top. v 1.1.0 (December 9, 2015) - New Feature: Homepage & Category pages layout can be changed from Theme Options > Layouts. Now you can hide the sidebar on front page and show posts in 3 columns. - Added support for Jetpack Infinite Scroll - Minor bug fixes. Thumbnails regeneration may be needed. - modified files: - /css/media-queries.css - /functions/widgets/carousel.php - /functions/widgets/featured-category.php - /functions/functions.php - /functions/options.php - archive.php - content.php * content-sticky.php - new file - footer.php - index.php - search.php - style.css - wpzoom-slider.php v 1.0.4 (October 17, 2015) - Minor bug fixed in the slider in Firefox 41.0.2. - modified files: - style.css v 1.0.3 (September 14, 2015) - Fixed a bug with translations. - Added new translation files for Russian language. - modified files: - /languages/en_US.pot renamed to foodica.pot - style.css v 1.0.2 (July 30, 2015) - content-single.php - Fixed a bug with "Pin it" button from individual posts. v 1.0.1 (July 17, 2015) - Added "Full-width" template for posts. - modified files: - /functions/functions.php - /functions/post-options.php - content-single.php - single.php - style.css v 1.0 (June 9, 2015) - initial release